The Role of Health Insurance to Family Planning
World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that universal
health coverage – ensuring that all people obtain health services they need
without suffering financial hardships when paying for them – is a global
priority for this year. They also declared that universal health coverage as
“the single most powerful concept that public health has to offer”.
Several developing countries such as Indonesia, the
Philippines, Rwanda, Vietnam, Kenya and Nigeria among others have demonstrated
a strong commitment to universal health coverage, with many others slated to
follow suit. Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia is already paving its way to
offering a more extensive health insurance
coverage that can cater different places in the inter-island archipelago.
Insurance Consulting Company, your guide to health insurance concerns
located in Australia has been in partnership with varied insurance companies
which has the goal of expanding the reach of health insurance.
Given this momentum, it is time to think critically about
how the goals of universal health coverage can be advanced through health
insurance to ensure that women worldwide are empowered to choose the size,
timing, and spacing of their families.
Many reviews say that it would be better for insurance
companies to include family planning in their policies and terms especially in
over-populated countries like Indonesia which remains the 4th most populous in
the world and China which tops the chart. It is well established that family
planning results in benefits beyond reducing unmet need and lowering
fertility—benefits such as fewer maternal and child deaths and complications
from abortions; and improved nutrition outcomes among women, infants, and
children. Given the high cost of addressing maternal and child health, these
benefits can lead to considerable savings for health systems and insurance
providers. Critics have complaints though that if this be passed, couples can
make this reason for pre-marital sex which continues to be a moral issue in
countries centered by this insurance idea.
When developing insurance programs, governments and health
insurance providers must carefully decide on a benefits package that clearly
describes the types of services covered, along with levels of coverage and any
applicable exclusions and/or limits on services. Since lack of access and
inability to pay are important reasons women do not use family planning,
inclusion of family planning services in health insurance programs could
increase uptake. The Commission on Macroeconomics and Health has suggested
criteria for choosing essential health interventions. Family planning is a
strong match to the key criteria because it is a technically effective
intervention, can be delivered successfully, addresses health issues that
impose a heavy burden on society, and has benefits beyond the intervention